Safety Tip Of The Day

By | February 26, 2023

Safety Tip Of The Day – It’s the 29th… Stop counting down like this. January goes by so fast! My workout today hasn’t happened yet. School ends early so when Ally gets home we will go to the gym. If it’s not too cold, it’s possible to sneak out for a while.

Let’s talk safety. I know you’ve done it before. But it’s an important lesson, and sometimes we need a reminder. This tip applies to runners and walkers.

Safety Tip Of The Day

Safety Tip Of The Day

You can enter anything you want for Road ID. It has my name, husband’s name, phone number, date of birth, and “allergy-free” information. My husband’s meds are on his list. This is especially important if you are in a life-threatening situation and cannot tell others if you are on medication or have allergies. He wears his clothes to the gym. I’m not normal, but I should be. I wear it for running and racing.

Back To School Safety Tips

Along with the topic of safety, today’s gift is Road ID. They have many options and colors. You can wear Road ID on your wrist, ankle, or shoe, and there are options for bracelet types. John and I have sports straps with velcro. Ally has thin wristbands. The ID plate can be removed and used on other strips in the same line. She’ll need a bigger band someday. Some bands also have reflective materials.

They have high-visibility products you didn’t know they offered, like reflective shoelaces, wristbands, and belts.

There are several ways to enter the lottery below. Receive a $35 electronic card as a gift when you purchase a Road ID wristband.

The giveaway runs from January 29, 2014 8:00 AM CST through February 3, 2014 8:00 PM CST. Winners will be contacted by email. No purchase is required to enter. You must be a resident of the United States to receive an award. Void where prohibited by law. Children, children of all ages, will be staying at home for some time as parents and caregivers continue to weigh work, school, childcare and other issues in an ever-changing world. Young children aged 1-5 are full of energy and curiosity, but sometimes find themselves doing things they shouldn’t.

Lightning Safety Tips: Photo Of The Day

Whether you’re a parent working from home, a family member, friend, or parenting neighbor, here are three tips to keep young children safe at home.

See our other blog on how to keep kids safe even during the pandemic. If you have any questions for the experts, please email Gary Karton at [email protected] and we will include them in our Q&A to help you and others.

The Child Safety Blog covers a variety of safety topics and provides useful information for parents and guardians to keep their children safe. You’ll also find personal stories parents share, insights for new parents, how to get involved and act, and more.

Safety Tip Of The Day

Our bloggers include Safe Kids staff, parents, medical professionals and others interested in raising awareness about preventable childhood injuries. View the blogger profile.

Food Safety Tips For Memorial Day Bbqs & Grilling Out [infographic]

Car Safety Car Seats Passenger Safety Children Fire Safety Heat Stroke Home Safety Pedestrian Safety Public Policy Road Safety Sports Safety Summer Safety Water Safety

Among preventable injuries, drowning is the leading cause of death among children aged 1 to 4 years. Learn more ยป Younger workers are more likely than other workers to be injured on the job. As a young worker, protecting yourself should be your top priority when starting a new job. You have the right to receive knowledge and support to speak and work in a safe environment.

Young workers should remember these 5 simple safety tips when entering the next workplace.

To learn more about child worker safety, visit the Canadian Center for Occupational Safety and Health website. The website has an entire section dedicated to keeping young and new workers safe. website visit

Labor Day Weekend Travel Safety Tips

1. Ask questions: Ask your supervisor if you are unsure about safety procedures or working conditions. They are there to help!

2. Pay attention to training: Health and safety training in the workplace is the most valuable training you can afford. Pay attention to the training provided by your employer. One day it may save your life.

3. Wear safety gear: The first step in ensuring workplace safety is wearing protective gear. Your employer has asked you to wear such items for a specific purpose to keep you safe. Wear appropriate additional protective equipment when cleaning up spills, handling hazardous materials, etc. As described in Health and Safety Training.

Safety Tip Of The Day

4. Pay attention to your surroundings. Always keep your eyes and ears open for potential hazards in the workplace. Pay attention to the people and machines around you to protect yourself from avoidable hazards.

Travel Safety Tips For Women (and Men Too)

5. Get Help: If you feel the situation is too difficult to handle on your own, ask for help! Do not risk your health or safety and ask for help from a colleague or supervisor. This includes reporting if you are asked to complete a task you believe is unsafe.

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