Cornell Executive Program In Management

By | March 26, 2023

Cornell Executive Program In Management – Olabayo Allen-Taylor Cornell Americas MBA Program Director, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University

Relatives: Four sisters: Fonta Allen, B.A. in Graphic Design, University of South Carolina; Neil Taylor, B.A. in Legal Studies and Political Science, University of California, Berkeley; Kamili Allen-Samms, B.S. in Architecture, Howard University; Harley Cheeboro Freshman at University of South Carolina, Upstate. Father, Jessie Douglas Allen Taylor, a published author. Living in the Bay Area. Mother, Diane Cheesboro, domestic violence counselor. Lives in Orangebug, SC.

Cornell Executive Program In Management

Cornell Executive Program In Management

Fun fact about myself: My soccer jersey was retired at my high school after I led the league in scoring all four seasons with the Oakland Unified School District girls soccer team. opened the way.

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Where do you work now? Principal of Aspire College Academy, an elementary school in Oakland, Ca (as of June 2018)

Extracurricular activities, community work and leadership roles: In my second year of business school, I had the pleasure of being the representative of the class of 2018. As a class representative, I served as the student body representative on the Johnson School of Management Advisory Board, and developed a strategy with my co-principal to lead our class’ recruitment efforts. Adding this leadership role to my already busy schedule was a challenge, but knowing the impact we could make for future Executive MBA students provided motivation. My co-president and I have contributed at least 70 percent of our classmates’ donations and so far we have reached 60 percent with more than six months left in the campaign.

Outside of business school, I help with my family’s (Geoffrey’s Inner Circle, a restaurant and bar that I co-owned and officially operated before business school) charity efforts by organizing fundraisers for local schools and organizations and organizing dinners and lunches. community for food. less luck.

What academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of while in business school? One of the core elements of the program is completing a global business project with my team. We chose to work with a startup, Dattaca Labs, in Reykjavik, Iceland, focused in the personal data space. We were tasked with creating a go-to-market strategy for Dattaca Labs to enter the US market. At first glance, the project was outside my team’s professional expertise. This project seems impossible to close. However, after three long months of research, 10,000 miles of travel, and working with the founders and Icelandic government officials, we were able to present the company with a strategy to expand not only in the United States, but also in Europe. . I am very proud of this achievement because I took on a difficult project with little background and successfully completed it with the cooperation of my friends.

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What accomplishments are you most proud of in your professional career? For the past 13 years, I have been an instructional leader in the Oakland Unified School District, the same district in which I was educated from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Early in my career with community/family engagement and conflict resolution, I helped lay the groundwork for the Community Schools model and Restorative Justice framework that is now in nearly every school in the Oakland Unified School District. I am proud of the impact I had in my last role as Dean of Culture and Climate at Claremont High School. Claremont was once devastated by low test scores, low enrollment, and teacher/leadership turnover. At one point, the school lost five principals in one year. As head of school, I established a discipline process that reduced suspension incidents, redesigned and implemented school-wide systems to link response to intervention efforts, and led an assessment team to focus on student readiness. I am a results-driven leader and achieving success when the odds were stacked against me was a great achievement.

Who was your favorite MBA professor? Professor Andrew Karolyi, Managerial Economics, is my favorite professor because he uses a hands-on teaching approach with real-world examples to help us understand the class material. One of our first tasks was to analyze the stock value of a company and tell our classmates our investment position with the aim of convincing them to agree with our analysis and position. The team with the most votes earned bragging rights for the rest of the course. We learned how to apply the class material immediately and some of us benefited from the investment positions identified in our analysis.

What was your favorite MBA course and what was the greatest insight you gained about business from it? Management Simulation, taught by Professors Stephen Sauer and Tom Schryver, was my favorite course. The course was organized to help us apply the skills in simulation exercises. Our team is set up to be an active business owner that competes against other businesses (teams) for market share. The biggest insight I gained about business was about the typical focus on the bottom line or avoiding the “marginal pitfalls” as one of my professors called it, but more about the practice of ethical leadership in all aspects of the operation. mother. When we were successful in this simulation exercise, the most important factor was how we approached the challenge.

Cornell Executive Program In Management

Why did you choose this Executive MBA program? America’s Executive MBA program was most interesting to me because of the teamwork component. As a highly ambitious and high-achieving individual, I was confident in my ability to tackle the challenge of business school, but working successfully in a team with a diverse group of personalities from different professional backgrounds was an area of ​​growth for me. The program offered me the right amount of support, attention and learning opportunities to gain valuable experience.

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What did you enjoy most about business school? I was happy to get to know myself better. I really stepped outside of my comfort zone and had this experience in a way that allowed me to discover passions and skills I wasn’t aware of.

Tell us a story about how you managed to juggle work, family and education during your time as an executive MBA? When I started business school, I was careful to define my schedule and divide my time so that I could spend time at work, at school, or with family. What I didn’t have room for were the uncertainties of life. Just before I entered the center in the first quarter, my grandmother passed away. It was an unexpected strategy that took a lot out of me emotionally. Compartmentalization was not the best strategy in my approach to defining my schedule, and this tragedy helped me realize that I cannot plan everything. Finally, I took my intermediate exam for managerial finance on the same day I put my grandmother to bed. Planning a little and going with the flow is my best strategy for juggling work, family, and the Executive MBA program.

What advice would you give to a student who wants to enter an executive MBA program? Think about your strengths and weaknesses and choose a program that best suits your needs. Don’t choose a program based on the rankings alone

What was your biggest regret in business school? My biggest regret in business school was not taking the time to appreciate my growth and accomplishments along the way. The program went by so quickly and I regret not taking the time to take it all in.

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Which MBA course do you admire the most? The friend I admire the most is Revathi Srinivasan. He is a ruthless leader who is somehow ruthless. He never feels inferior and he leads with a steady hand in a way that respects. Revathi is also dedicated to mentoring and encouraging women to step up in their leadership and take on roles in male-dominated industries. He is a wonderful colleague and friend. I really couldn’t do without that program.

“I knew I wanted to go to business school when…I realized I didn’t have the skills needed to get the job I really wanted.”

“If I hadn’t gone to business school, I would have been… a principal, but it took me 10 years to get there because I would have spent most of my time second-guessing myself.”

Cornell Executive Program In Management

What is your ultimate long-term professional goal? My ultimate professional goal is to close the achievement and opportunity gap in public education.

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In one sentence, how do you want your friends to remember you? I am a kind, caring leader and a great person to have on your team if you want to get things done.

“Ola is one of those people you meet and realize she can do almost anything and has the talent and determination to succeed. She is a true Cornellian and excels when it comes to uplifting those around her.” As they continue their own.

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